This episode — with special guest Annie Scott — features the formation of Banana Land, a father with a penchant for metaphor, a grad student trying to solve the big problems and Peyton Manning’s extended family. Christian has a bone to pick with the “Midwest,” Sophia gets really into guerrilla marketing, and Taylor puts Smokey Robinson on blast. Plus, Annie brings a game that tests everyone’s knowledge of brand jingles (and their musical abilities).
This episode features frat guys attempting improv comedy, a jingoistic car dealership and Scraggles the Zombie Cat. Sophia discusses “Islamic residuals,” Christian talks about buying two cars welded together, and Taylor unveils ‘The Hollywood Development Game’ — which quickly makes him lose his mind.
We were woefully misled by the tricky, tricky Internet and should note that anything we say regarding season two of “Angie Tribeca” starting today (Jan. 25) is patently false and flat-out wrong. Turns out, “my understanding” was correct in the first place! Regardless, we felt this was worth uploading because in the grand scheme of the conversation, the number of episodes there are and when they air is kind of irrelevant. Just know that the next 10 Monday nights on TBS will be used to RE-AIR SEASON ONE. We will not have 20 episodes of this show this spring. We will only have 10.
Also, a less important, time-related note. Bryan says we are recording our second podcast of the week during the episode. The reason he says that is because we recorded the conversation about “Angie Tribeca” last week! Good day, and good night to you all. (Gee whiz.)
In this episode, Bryan and Taylor discuss the new TBS comedy “Angie Tribeca” and its triumphant championing of dumb humor and dad jokes.
Here’s the timeline:
Intro/CORRECTION 00:00-01:10
What ‘Angie Tribeca’ Is About 01:14-05:16
Examples of Jokes and Humor to Expect 05:16-10:15
How Should Networks Air TV in 2016? 10:15-15:52
Enjoy, and remember to rate and review the podcast on iTunes!
Original Recording Date: Jan. 25, 2016
YOU'RE THE WORST -- "LCD Soundsystem" -- Episode 209 (Airs Wednesday, November 4, 10:30 pm e/p) Pictured: (l-r) Aya Cash as Gretchen, Chris Geere as Jimmy. CR: Byron Cohen/FX
Bryan and Taylor are back! And this week, they discuss the surprisingly hopeful ending of “You’re The Worst” Season Two and some of the beautiful bits of writing therein. [SPOILERS AHEAD, SO BEWARE!] First, they discuss the finale and break down how the B, C and D storylines played out and whether they were successful. Are some of the supporting characters too abrasive? Or too dumb? (0:45-12:55) More importantly, did the show stick the landing with the payoff to Gretchen and Jimmy’s season-long difficulties? (13:30-18:00) Then, they discuss what is next for “You’re The Worst” Season Three. Where will the show go from here? (18:00-20:15) Finally, Bryan and Taylor tease what’s left this year for the Fauxworthy Podcast (20:15-22:27). Only three episodes left, so stay tuned!
Bryan Faux and Taylor Gaines are back again. This week, they discuss some of their favorite comedies on television, including Comedy Central’s “Review,” FXX’s “You’re the Worst” and HBO’s “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.”
(The episode number that Bryan says at the beginning will slightly differ for the first seven or so episodes because Bryan initially had more of a general media podcast. As far as the Fauxworthy TV Podcast goes, this is number three.)